In AI we trust, but should we? – Real life examples from Artificial Intelligence in Computer Vision

In AI we trust, but should we? – Real life examples from Artificial Intelligence in Computer Vision

In AI we trust, but should we? – Real life examples from Artificial Intelligence in Computer Vision

We will start with introduction to AI topic and try to distinguish different types and their technical approaches.

I will try to answer the question: Can AI take over control of humanity one day? Than we will go through some usages of Machine Learning and Deep Learning and discuss its results. Lastly, I will show how simple these days we can start our journey with AI.

Rafał Słomka

Rafał joined Idemia in April 2021. Before that I was working in many different fields like Android and Web apps development, robotics, computer vision(classical one and image recognition with deep learning), price evaluation with machine learning and data processing in general. Broadly speaking I just like to automate the boring stuff.

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